Saturday, August 14, 2010

Two Proud pictures!

Yeah,completely random. But I took these pictures with my zoom lens. 55-250mm lens (:
And you know how there are tons of pictures of KLCC? Photography is all about taking a picture of something and making it look different!

And the moon, something I didn't expect from taking a picture of the moon at a slightly faster shutter speed (:

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Candles, fire, and the dim light.

Funny isn't how fire is a hot and dangerous element. Yet it is used in many other forms. Romance, rituals.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010



I am selling my 1000D

Please contact me on facebook, via... INBOX :D

The sooner you buy it, the cheaper it may be.

Plus its your chance to get a cheaper 55-250mm lens! yep... zoooom lens :D

So whatcha waiting for? Send the word around!

Purpose of me selling my Canon 1000D is because I am going for an upgrade (:
The 1000D is in great condition. Rest assured.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A two minute experiment.

Light Graffiti.
A pretty cool & simple trick you can do with a light source and a slow shutter speed.
And yeah I need to shave.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

So, I've decided to create a blog for all the photos I've taken and will take in the future. They seem unusually lonely lying around in my laptop.

I never thought about creating a blog earlier only because I'm not the type of person who would blog about what goes on in my everyday life. I mean... seriously... come on... who's going to care? They've got their own shit to worry about (;

So, without further a due. Here are some of them (: